


Have you heard of the Halo™ glow? It’s possible to reverse sun damage and aging to achieve a younger-looking radiance with Halo laser skin renewal, an advanced fractional laser skin resurfacing treatment in Safira MD, Alpharetta, GA. The world’s first hybrid laser, Halo features two types of potent energy to revitalize skin at multiple levels for a wide range of overall improvements to the tone and texture of your skin.

Laser skin renewal can help improve:

  • Lines and wrinkles
  • Rough texture
  • Scarring
  • Pigmentation irregularities (age spots, sun spots, freckles)
  • Redness/rosacea
  • Acne scars
  • Acne
  • Dullness
  • Large pore size

Frequently Asked Questions

How does a Halo treatment work?

You will relax while we cleanse your skin and apply a topical numbing cream to your treatment areas. Once you are numb, we will carefully administer Halo to your skin, adjusting the intensity of your treatment to suit your particular skin type and concerns. Halo features ablative and non-ablative energy, which means it treats the surface of skin without breaking it while also penetrating deep below by creating tiny treatment channels in your skin. These treatment channels trigger your skin’s natural healing response to grow healthy, new collagen and elastin.

How long is a Halo treatment?

Halo treatment should take about 2 to 3 hours, from start to finish, and can vary depending on the number and size of areas being treated. We can determine a more exact treatment time during your consultation so you can make any necessary arrangements.

When will I see results?

It typically takes a full week for swelling and redness to fully subside. Depending on the intensity of your treatment, you may notice results within a week or two following your treatment, with continued improvements in the following months as your skin continues to renew itself.

Does Halo hurt?

You should feel comfortable throughout your treatment. Immediately following your Halo session, it is normal to experience a strong stinging and sunburned sensation, which lasts for up to two hours. If you desire, you will be able to rest in our recovery room while applying a cool air blaster to your skin, which will diminish any discomfort until you are ready to leave our office and return home.

How much downtime is there with Halo?

Depending on the intensity of your treatment, Halo typically involves a week or two of social downtime. Halo is literally renewing your complexion, creating thousands of tiny treatment channels in your skin, which are essentially controlled “injuries.” These injuries are extremely safe and healthy, prompting your skin to heal itself and produce vibrant, new collagen. As this renewal process begins, you will experience swelling and redness for the first few days, followed by a sandpaper-like texture to your skin. Medium-intensity treatments usually involve a full week of renewal, whereas more intense treatments may incur two weeks of downtime.

How can I get started with Halo laser skin renewal?

Halo has helped thousands of people achieve a healthy-looking radiance. Call (678) 996-5821 or schedule your personal consultation today!


Before & After

Halo 1

Halo 2

Halo 3

Halo 4

Halo 5

Halo 6